For our short animated film we have decided to try and use motion capture to accompany our animation. We were required to setup the capture volume and each member of the short film was to direct a scene. This required preparing any props to help motivate the actor and to make him aware of the spacial boundaries within the digital world. Motion Capture also called for each director to think about sound and timing cues and if the actor had to react to those aspects.
Our roles within creating the short film also came into play. I was required to develop the rig for the character which proved difficult at first as the initial rig created in Maya had issues as it was an fk ik rig and transferring to MotionBuilder was not successful, so a basic fk setup was required.
Simple fk setup for our character |
Once this rig was imported into MotionBuilder it had to be characterized and a control rig was developed for it. This character was then merged with the captured data and the bone structure that was imported from Motive. After assigning the source for the main character to the data the scene could be played back and the designed character would follow. From there to make any adjustments in the animation the Motive actor and marker/optical sets were baked to the control rig.